Hey fellows,
There are many ways to display a Date
or a timestamp, but the often appropriate is to show the elapsed time in a readable format.
So I drafted a little React component that takes a number of milliseconds for props
and turns into a string of relative seconds, minutes, hours, days, months or years.
import TimeAgo from '../components/TimeAgo';
const date = Date.now(),
tests = [date - 6789, date - 456789, date - 23456789, date - 123456789, date - 9123456789, date - 89123456789];
return <ul>{tests.map((timestamp, key) => <li key={key}>
<TimeAgo timestamp={timestamp}/>.
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The component gives a time
element with a datetime property.
<time datetime="2018-02-22T00:21:08.005Z">1 day ago</time>
The code is fairly short and simple, and is available on GitHub as susual.