
Hi there! 😗 My name is Étienne. I have been rendering stuff on the web since Internet Explorer 6.

I have a French Institute of Technology Diploma and a Professional License in Networks and Communication from Université de Caen Normandie (2006-2009).


I first worked for a communication agency (2009-2011). Quite early, I became a remote contractor (2011 and counting) and crafted many websites and applications for agencies or businesses while living around Asia.

Then I discovered the world of startups and joined brilliant people to work on some interesting challenges (2016-2023). From Colombia to the UK, I have collaborated on projects cared for by inspiring teams, and often as a lead engineer.


I am very proficient with everything TypeScript. My favorite stacks are usually based on React, Express, and GraphQL but I have relevant experience with many more languages and frameworks: Python (Django, Flask, OpenCV…), more JS (Angular, d3.js, Three.js…), PHP (I published a handful of WordPress plugins), databases (MongoDB, Postgres, MySQL, …) and last but not least HTML and CSS (Sass, Storybook…).

I have worked with very talented designers from whom I’ve learned a lot, and I have implemented all sorts of interfaces (Figma, Sketch, Adobe suite…).

I have also set up a lot of CI/CD workflows, with GitHub mostly and Jira where possible.

About Me

I take the words of Uncle Bob as gospel. I’m more specialized in UI and Frontend work, but I have built many APIs and Backend services too.

I’m an advocate of Agile, and I never mind a good Scrum ceremony. I’m a competent teammate and a nice pal.

I usually work fully remote. Right now I’m living in Thailand (that’s GMT+7) and I am always looking for smart people to surround me.

In my free time I like to eat out, tune my music playlists, slay my enemies and torment my Dungeons & Dragons players.

Feel free to contact me, I’m always happy to chat.

Étienne BAUDRY ❤️